Monday, November 4, 2013

Our travel high chair

Sorry that I fell off the planet fora while, our Little Peanut is teething so sleep is not happening I our house. Anyway, every time we go out, someone stops us to ask about our travel high chair. It's the Inglesina Fast Table Chair - Liquirizia (Black) from, and we bought it for $50. This past weekend, the Hubs, Little Peanut and I went out to lunch (a rare and special occasion in our house) and we were stopped by the parents of a 4 month old who was in her car seat and a grandmother to an older baby asking about our chair.  It hooks onto the table, and we use it on the edge of our island at home so when we go out it's familiar for our Little Peanut.  

It folds flat into a pouch that is hidden under the seat, and the back is higher for early sitters who need more support.  Best of all, you are putting your little one in a high chair that may have the spills and germs for the previous kids ( I'm a pretty hardcore germaphobe so this is a big deal for me). Awesome chair all around, I just wish I had given out my account info for the referral reward!  

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